15 Dog Care Tips in Summer
How to take care of a dog in heat?
Summer is an active and joyful season. We spend a lot of time outdoors with our dear four-legged friends. We wish to warn you to avoid some frequently happening problems with dogs in summer at parks, summer cottages, and in travels.
What should we be afraid of?
- First of all these are ticks. They often transport dangerous infections. Please, do not forget to drop some means for ticks at the withers of your dog.
- Another danger is aggressive dogs. It is important to walk a dog on a leash and with a muzzle on. You never know how exactly your dog will react to a sudden noise, fireworks, cry of a child, another dogs and animals. In public your dog should be always under your control and protected from biting. Use well-ventilated basket dog muzzles. Look at our bestseller dog muzzle that allows a dog even drink water muzzled:
Ventilated Dog Muzzle that Allows to Pant and Drink
- We recommend to use dog harnesses, that are more comfortable for dogs than collars. They do not tighten dog's neck when a dog suddenly pulls but distribute the loading evenly on a dog chest. They are easy taken, regulated, reliably fastened and do not do any harm for a dog.
- Use ID-tags or tubes with dog name and your phone number. It will save your dog from loss in active walking and travelling, that are more often in summer.
- When you go to a summer cottage take care of the safety of your dog. Look out the territory. Get the address and phone of a local veterinarian.
- One water bowl at the kitchen is not enough for a dog. Get one more bowl to place it where a dog plays. Take water with when you go for a walk. Remember, that plump dogs and dogs with heart diseases need more water than others.

- Never leave a dog in a car alone. It is a huge danger, as closed air in a car heats in minutes.
- Avoid dog walking in hot day hours. If a dog wines and shivers these are signs of a heat stroke. Urgently get it to a veterinarian.
- To avoid dog poisoning with its own food get rid of all left food in its dish after a meal. Bacterias grow very quickly in heat. Prepare smaller portions of food.
- Make regular dog grooming to get rid of dead fur in time. It is important for stable and healthy temperature of dog body.
- Be attentive in walking to prevent dog eating a toxic plant.
- Wash and brush your dog in time to eliminate dust and parasites.

- Check dog's paws after walking.
- Take a life vest for a dog if you are going to play in water. Even if your dog is a good swimmer there may be cold streams that may cause convulsions and risk of going down.�
- If a dog is bitten by a snake put a jute, wash the injure by water with gas or soap and immediately get help of a vet.
Summer vacation is wonderful! Especially if your dear ones are happy and healthy. Take our advices seriously and you will prevent many troubles.
Enjoy the Summer!
Author: Julia Bosenko, an experienced manager and customer support ForDogTrainers UK dealing with your needs & questions.