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South African Boerboel Dog Breed Information
These dogs were often a first line of defense against predators and were valuable in tracking and holding down wounded game. Old farmers tell many tales of the strength, agility, and courage of their Boerboels.One can find here suitable Boerboel harness (nylon Boerboel harness or leather Boerboel harness), Boerboel Muzzles (wire muzzle or leather muzzle for Boerboel), Boerboel Lead or Leash (nylon or leather dog leads), Boerboel collars (leather Boerboel collars and nylon Boerboel collars) and so on. If you do not find anything for your dog, than contact us and we will recommend and find an appropriate Boerboel.
South African Boerboel Mastiff is a family dog, friendly to all the
family members and kind for children. The dogs of the Boerboel dog
breed consider their main aim in life to protect a family.
African Boerboel Dog Breed Background
The land of origin of dog breed Boerboel is considered to be Africa,
though its roots come from Asia. These dogs have been used as
soldiers, equipped with armor in Assyria. Alexander the Great has
taken them to Europe. With the flow of time Boerboels have changed
their function and breed features into mastiffs for guard and
hounding. They say, that probably all the modern European dog breeds
have derived from these two. Later, in the XVII century the breed
was restored as a farm dog. As the result of historical and natural
evolution there have appeared strong and endurable Boerboel
Mastiffs. But urbanization has began to cause the disappearing if
this dog breed. In the 80th years of the last century the work for
Boerboel Mastiff dog breed restoring has begun at the territory of
the SAR.
South African Boerboel Appearance
Boerboel is a large dog, with 55 to 75 cm height and 80-90 kg
weight. Boerboel has a strong muscles and bones. It is a
harmoniously built dog with large head, a little prolonged body and
a massive croup.
Boerboel has a smooth, short fur coat. The color varies from beige
to dark-brown, dark-reddish, including brindle patterns. The snout
may be colored darker, like a mask. The ears are generally darker as
well. The large head is one of the most distinctive traits of the
South African Boerboel Mastiff.
South African Boerboel Training
The representatives of the dog breed Boerboel are mentally stable.
They are very active as for their giant size. Boerboel training
demands huge loadings and daily exercises, for example, running 5
Boerboel is a balanced, not stubborn dog, with a perfect character,
a devoted family dog and is always ready to protect. Boerboel gladly
cares for little family members and plays with them.
Boerboel is expecting for care and attention from his owner. The
attention is expressed the best way by exhausting training sessions.
Excessive aggression and evil are not inherent for the Boerboel dog
breed. Boerboel Mastiff dogs have a tolerant attitude as for the
surroundings generally.
If trained and socialized properly, Boerboel has no conflicts with
other pets.
Boerboel dog temperament has its bright individual characteristics.
He is self confident and independent. Male dogs of Boerboel dog
breed may express signs of dominance and may have a behavior
correction. But it may be avoided by proper training from the puppy
Boerboel dogs have a good memory. They are easy trained. They may be
a little slow in perception of commands. They think it over before
If Boerboel dog denies to obey your commands, it is a sign of your
loss of dominance over the dog and there has been huge mistakes in
the process of his training.
For the proper dog behavior correction it is better to consult a dog
South African Boerboel Mastiff and Dog Care
Boerboel is a very endurable dog. It gets used to living conditions
and the climate easily. In spite of its African roots, it undergoes
almost any weather conditions.
In Africa Boerboel dogs live in the open air, in natural
surrounding. In Europe the dogs live as family dogs at homes. They
may also live in a special crates. But regular Boerboel walking is
necessary for any conditions. Boerboel may live in the yard outside
and be taken to the house for cold weather only.
It is very important for dog bed place choice to avoid drafts. The
bed should be not too hard.
For Boerboel puppies training it is better avoid close and frequent
contacts with guests, strange people. The thing is that Boerboels
are very friendly and they get used fast to guests and thus trust
them as family members.
The South African Boerboel Mastiff dog breed is intended to guard a
family and property from strange people and wild animals. In the
order to perform these functions a dog should move free along the
guarded territory.
Short coat of Boerboel is easy in care. It is quite enough to brush
it twice a week to eliminate dead hair. The brushing also makes a
massage, that is very useful for dog health.
Regular tooth cleaning is also required.
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"This group was set up by devoted Boerboel breeders and owners, striving for health, balance and longevity in the breed. All are welcome here.
Enjoy your Boerboels and share your enjoyment here with The British Boerboel Association members."

Feedback from Our Customers
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
Fantastic product , this collar hasn't been off my Boerboel (Southall at Cariad Boerboels) for nearly a year. It's taken all he can pull at it with ease , and with a quick wash and wax it's like new. I would think this will last him for many years if not a life time.. I fully recommend this collar to any Boerboel or Mastiff owner, as Southall loves his collar as much as we do.
Date Added: 04/14/2012 by gregory jones
Received the harness this morning excellent quality and service very pleased thank you do business again soon
Date Added: 07/11/2013 by SEAN, Newport Gwent UK
Hi the one pic is of Southall now 19 months old, still wearing his collar every day!
Date Added: 10/18/2013 by Greg