English Springer Spaniel is the largest representative of Spaniel dog breeds. It is a hunting dog dog with perfect working abilities. We propose quality dog accessories and training equipment to walk your dog with comfort and and train him efficiently. Read more dog breed info below.
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Springer Spaniel is an intelligent service dog, able to smell drugs,
illegal immigrants and other contraband.
English Springer Spaniel Dog Breed History
English Springer Spaniel is a very ancient hunting dog breed.
Initially is has been used for siccup hunting and later for hunting
with a gun. Springer Spaniel dogs can find fowl quickly. They
frighten the fowl away and hunters may try their luck and skills.
Here the work of Spaniel is not finished. They find and bring the
caught up fowl to the hunter.
Springer Spaniels takes their origin from Norfolk Spaniels. In the
beginning of the XIX century they were not defined as Cocker or
Springer until the American Spaniel Club set a standard of dividing
Spaniels into various breeds by their characteristics. Since then
the dogs of less 13 kg supposed to be Cocker and more - Springer
Spaniels. Finally the breed standard was established in 1902 in
Great Britain.
English Springer Spaniel Temperament
Nowadays Springer Spaniel dogs are very sociable. They are open with
people, patient and friendly with children. They allow to tug and
pinch them. Spaniel has a calm, balanced temperament but at the same
time he is an attentive guard.
Cheerful character, unique hunting skills make Spaniel a popular
hunting dog.
English Springer Spaniel Dog Breed Appearance

Big height, light built make the main features of Springer Spaniel
body. The main features of Springer Spaniel are sociability,
cheerfulness, obedience, balanced temperament, easy trainability,
22" in height;
15 lbs weight;
double or triple-color pattern, usually white with black or brown;
square shape of forehead;
occipital protuberance;
black nose;
vivid eyes;
low-set large ears;
sciccors-type bite;
muscular neck of medium length;
strong body;
short legs, soft paws;
low-set tail;
silky coat, sleek and straight.
Peculiarities of Springer Spaniel Training and Physical Exercises

This dog is not for calm people who enjoy laying at the sofa.
English Springer Spaniel is a hunter with a lot of energy that
should be expresses and fulfilled. It will be a great companion for
jogging but definitely not a dog for elderly people.
This pet requires attention from his family members and also is not
a dog for too busy people. Springer Spaniel will not endure long
loneliness, especially in puppy age. It is not recommended to leave
them alone for a long time. Being bored they become quite nasty
beings and will do a mess in your house. He definitely needs to live
in a house out of city with a garden to satisfy his need to dig
holes around. And his owner has to have quite a lot of patience to
allow this.
Springer Spaniel needs long and active walks with physical loadings.
Springer Spaniel loved water and will use any possibility to swim.
If you wish it to calm down and leave you for a while let him swim
in a water source.
English Springer Spaniel is easy trained. You may train him on your
own or use help of a professional trainer. A dog may achieve great
results, from basic commands to full dog training course.
Dog Trainer and Dog Training Field Choice
First of all you will need a dog to obey basic commands.
How to Start Dog Training
Keep in mind, that Springer Spaniel is a hunting dog. Choose open
space for training sessions. Do not cry at him or punish.
How To Motivate My Dog?A dog
needs praise for a performed task, but not sweets. There are many
healthy treats to praise a dog.
Dog Training TreatsSpaniel Dog Care TipsDog fur care does not require much time and sources. Brushing once a
week and bathing by the stage of getting dirty is a full list of dog
care procedures you need for Springer Spaniel dog fur care. Brush a
dog with a comb (like this one:
Dog Comb with Wooden Handle for Perfect Look of Dog Fur) and then massage his skin with a special
Soft Grip Rubber Grooming Brush for
healthy fur and skin of your dog. It improves blood flow in skin and
makes fur healthy and shiny. The moult usually comes twice a year,
in spring and autumn. In these periods in is better to brush a dog
every day with a special brush. You will find it at our store in
Kennel Accessories.