Dog Weight Pulling Training
How To Train A Dog To Pull Weight?
Dog weight pulling training may be held in two ways.
weight pulling was called "baited weight pulling" when a dog pulls a
track to get some reward. For this a trainer excited a dog by a toy.
But nowadays this way of training is considered to be not
appropriate for weight pulling. A dog gets angry trying to get the
toy, barks, and sometimes his anger readdresses to the trainer,
judge and spectators. All serious dog trainers got rid of this way
of training and trials.
A more efficient way of weight pulling dog training and sports is
when a dog pulls weight by a command of a trainer. In this case a
dog is calm and pointed on weight only, that he is to pull. In this
way a dog is able to pull more weights constantly while a longer
time period, whereas dogs who work for a treat or a toy get
demotivated and tired quickly and are not able to pull any more.
Dog Weight Pulling Equipment
The equipment required for weight pulling exercises is quite simple
and easily available for dog owners. You will need a dog lead of
about 6.5 ft (2 m), a chain for fastening weight
to a weight pulling dog harness.
The only special dog weight pulling
equipment of these is a harness for dog weight pulling sport.
Special weight pull dog harness will save your dog from injures and
will grow the result of your efforts in training. But take into
account, that when a dog gets used to a definite weight pulling
harness, he may not feel so good and show as good results in another
one. Even slightly readjusting a harness for dog weight pulling you
change the loading and a dog will need time to get used to the new
The most difficult part of dog weight pulling competition is to move
a track from the starting point. Further a dog pulls it by inertia.
Sometimes it happens that a track with weights stops in the middle
of the route and it is difficult for a dog to move it from a dead
point again. As the result the competition is lost. It may be a
result of lack in training where a dog is trained for too light
weights or too long distances. The reasons may be various.
You may use very easy weights for dog training to pull: old iron
batteries, tires. These items have no inertia and a dog learns to
pull them from dead point easily. Then he will show better results
at weight pulling competition that dogs that are trained to pull
tracks on wheels only.
As for the assessment of maximal power of your dog you may come once
a fortnight to a dog training field for weight pulling exercises and
define how much does your dog grow in pulling of maximal weights.
Weight Pulling Training for Dogs
So how to train a dog to weight pulling competition?
First of all
you have to get a weight pulling dog harness and train your dog to
get used to it. A dog is not able to pull weights by a collar, it is
required to control a dog only. Get your dog used to a weight pull
harness from a puppy age. Use simple harness construction made of
straps that end on his back under tail. The weight should be light.
At first use wood, several metal chains, a tire of a small wheel.
Mark Johnson, the founder of weight pulling competition in Colorado,
tells: "Your puppy is to get used to wear a pulling dog harness,
without chewing the straps, and understand, that at once he gets it
on a jolly game starts."

A real pulling of heavy weight starts with a professional dog weight
pulling harness that distributes loading on dog's shoulders and
chest. The end of its straps are fixed by a special
stick-distributor that does not allow a dog to get entangled and
tightened by the straps of harness while he is pulling weights.
IMPORTANT. Do not allow a dog to pull heavy weights until he is
fully grown in muscular and bone built, approximately from one to
two years for various dog breeds.
The first weight pulling training stage should start at about 6-8
weeks old. Get him gradually used for people around in training to
make him feel easy in competition with many spectators. Usually they
are very loud at the trials. At 4 months old a puppy should know
basic commands, especially "Wait" and "Go". Train a dog to be calm
in the company of many other dogs. It is very important for a dog to
stay concentrated on the task while it is loud and crowded around in
competition. It is a very important point for a weight pulling dog.
Of course, it is very important also to keep your dog fit. That's
why spend a lot of time and attention for his physical training and
nutrition. This way you will get a dog with a good physical shape
and a long life span. By the way, having a trained and physically
developed dog you will get a healthy and even more endurable breed.
Weight Pulling Exercises
A perfect way of dog weight pulling training is pulling sledge on
snow. As an alternative a running beside a bike is possible. Jogging
with a dog is also useful, especially if a dog pulls a tire or some
other weight.
It is not recommended to train a dog to pull weights only. It may
become boring for your pet. You should have a field for training.
You need an even field of 16-20 feet. You may use some diy track on
wheels to put weights on. The size of track depends on the size of
the dog you train. It is very important that a track should not hurt
a dog when he stops. If your dog will be afraid to get such a hit in
back will not get good results in weight pulling dog sport. That's
why you will need a helper to stop the track when a dog stops to
avoid his hitting.
It is not easy to define the right weight and how to grow it in
training. Usually they use bricks, logs and bags. Start dog training
from a light weight just to make a dog to feel the resistance. First
of all your dog should already know basic commands. Make it
harnessed attaching a definite weight and give a command "Stay". Go
from him about 5-10 feet and sit down on all fours and then call
him. To encourage your dog to pull when he feels weight use a long
leash. Pull on it while giving the command "Go". When a dog follows
your command, praise him and give a treat. A trainer should sit down
on all fours to show a dog that he is to stand steady on all four
legs when pulls a track/weight. At first it is difficult for a dog
to pull the weight in a right way. He jumps, pulls by jerks, but
they all are not efficient. that's why if a dog jumps trying to pull
weight out of the dead point stop him with a command "No". A dog
should pull standing on all four paws. You may make the weight a
little lighter to make it easier for a dog to make the first steps
at the beginning.
4-5 pulls are enough for one training. Make your training with a dog
interesting and joyful. A dog should not be bored. Make the weight
heavier gradually. Never let a dog to feel loose. If he needs a
help, pull a tack behind. Gradually make the distance longer from
which you call a dog to make it finally 20-15 feet. Try to achieve
the result when a dog pulls a track/weight without stops on the
whole distance. But make breaks in training and avoid negative
reaction of a dog. If you use the same weight for several trainings,
make him go trough the distance faster.
It is also important for dog motivation to pull that the weight
should make noise. Be patient and remember that it may take time to
get success. Do not define any time frames. Go to another stage of
training when a dog looses interest to the noise of the weight he
Your Position
In weight pulling competition you may call your dog in the finish or
to follow him behind. Some dogs work better when they feel the
handler behind.
Weight pulling dogs may become good helpers in household or to help
invalid people in wheel-chairs.
The main use of these exercises is a strong bound between a dog and
a handler.
Obedience Is Important
The principle of weight pulling dog training is the same as basic
commands of obedience. You make a dog move by a command "Go" with
the help of a leash and a prong collar. At the same time you make a
slight pull on a leash pointing your dog forward. If a dog resists
to move, repeat the action. Be persistent and show your dominance.
If a dog follows your command praise him and give a treat.
A prong dog collars serves to correct his behavior. You may not use
it if you consider it cruel. But in this case your should be a
strong dominant leader for a dog. In other case you will get no
Never make your dog pull weight he is not able to move. Work with
light weight until you see that he does well and is ready to raise
the loading gradually.
After raising weights a dog may deny to pull a heavier track. He you
should show your dominance and make your dog obey. Here is the point
where you may need a prong dog collar. When a dogs starts pulling at
once on your command you may stop using the pull on a leash and a
prong collar. Praise your dog for right actions.
Work with a dog each second day. He should have time to restore.
Change power building exercises with aerobic exercises. It is the
most efficient way of dog training that give strength to a dog and
make him raise his power and endurance.
How to define maximal weight for your dog pulling?
First of all start from weight that your dog will definitely pull
out without your help. Gradually make it heavier in training. When a
dog will not be able to move weight without your help, consider the
previous one as maximal.
Timetable for dog training for a week:
Day 1 Aerobic exercises.
Day 2 Work with weights.
Day 3 Aerobic exercises.
Day 4 Work with weights.
Day 5 Aerobic exercises.
Day 6 Work with weights.
Day 7 Rest (define a new maximal weight after two weeks of work by a
A handler should feel his dog. If he needs a rest - let him rest. If
a dog is tired and exhausted he will not show good results.
A good relationship of a dog and an owner is very important. First
of all your dog should be obedient and feel your complete dominance.
It is indispensable part of weight pulling dog sport.
Special Feeding and Supplements for Weight Pulling Dogs
You may hear that dogs are trained for weight pulling with the help
of some stimulants. very often these gossips are spread by owners
that do not want to accept their loss in competition and find such
an excuse. But to use stimulants one is to know the question
seriously. Otherwise the result will be opposite from expected.
It is reasonable to use amino acids only as supplements that are
available at any vet store. Also add such nutrients as glucosamine
As any dog sports weight pulling makes great loading on dog joints
and these supplements will help to protect them. Also a balanced dog
feeding is the ground for success. There are special dog food for
sport dogs with supplement of glucosamine. Just choose quality food
and one that will suit your dog.