Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
"I would like to thank you for the quick delivery of my tracking and pulling harness i purchased from you for my great dane puppy. it is well made and hopefully will stop him pulling and jumping up. Will keep you updated."
From : Michael, UK
"Thank you for the harness ordered on the 14th and delivered on 17th, cannot believe how fast it came, been trying out the harness for the last couple of days absolutely brilliant piece of equipment. To say our dog 9 months old from a Rescue had never been walked he is doing extremely well - I would recommend this harness to anybody. Many thanks."
From : Kate, UK
"Hi Julia! Just took yogi out in his harness and wow! It's almost like a miracle. Within minutes I thought I was walking a different dog! Your product is excellent we gave it a good tug to see how it goes and it's so sell made! Great! Hope the piccys are ok?"
From : Jayne, UK, date added 09/08/2014
"Thank in his harness, is working brilliantly thank you!"
From : Ben, UK, date added 12/22/2014
"My parcel has arrived. Thank you for your service. I'm delighted with the harness. Thanks"
From : Antony, UK, date added 01/26/2015