Xtra Dog Harness for Collie Comfortable Walking with Comfort and under Control
An Xtra dog harness for Collie is a perfect choice of padded dog harness for comfort ans safety of your dog in daily life and for multipurpose use.
An Xtra dog harness for Collie is used for tracking, dog walking, K9 dogs. The chest triangle plate is designed to protect dog's chest. Xtra dog harness is soft felt padded, reliably stitched and hand made by professionals.
Use this xtra dog harness with or without handle.
A padded dog harness is used for active dogs. Dog not worry for dog's fur. Soft felt lining will prevent rubbing, hurting and protect dog fur.
A real leather dog harness is super strong, reliable, comfortable and functional!
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Padded Dog Harness for Multipurpose Use
Key features of this Collie Dog Harness:
- Strong and soft, luxury looking genuine leather
- Nickel-plated metal details
- With or without handle - up to your choice
- Comfortable design for long wear
- Easy in use
- Soft padding in the front chest part
- All joining metal details are cast
- Quality Certificate
Intended use of this Padded Dog Harness:
- Dog walking
- Dog training
- K9 dogs
- Agitation, attack work
- Tracking
Sizes available:
Available colors:
A Collie dog harness has special staps and fasteners will let you to fit this harness for your dog with maximum comfort.
Check how our Padded Dog Harness looks on Collie
Pictures from our Customers
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Multipurpose Dog Harness for Collie
Feedback from Our Customers
Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
"Have received the goods, Thank you they are wonderful."
From : Lynn, UK
Hi Natasha, Harness arrived can't believe the quality its really nice looks good on my presa. Will definitely recommend you. When funds are better will order the pulling one. Thanks again Andy
From : Andrew Georghiou, London, Middlesex, UK