Published testimonials are genuine and are not edited or altered by Fordogtrainers.CO.UK
"Hello, I ordered some equipment to my Cane Corso for about 4 years ago and are very satisfied with quality."
From : Lars Christophersen, Med Hilsen
"Hi, Products have arrived and we are very satisfied with the products and service. Thank You."
"Hello, the harness looks very good, also a wonderful cut form, shipping was without any problems and outstanding, I have added also a photo of the dog."
From : Michael, Bayreuth, Bayern, Germany
"Hi Helena Harness has come ... All is great and super material... Here is a photo ... Dogue De Bordeaux 90 kg .... Harness size - very large Best wishes "
From : Ingo, Germany
"Leather harness an lead ... Very very good quality thank you a+ "
From : Steven, UK
So impressed!!
My wife and I are so impressed!!
The best,
Is it possible to make us some collars?
From : Mike